disaster in amazon
Ecological disaster of fires in the Amazon, South America
Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

World Medical Association Wants Worldwide ‘Climate Emergency’ Declared

Originally published at National Review
Nature and Conservation

I have written here often about how the scientific and medical sectors are destroying their credibility by growing increasingly ideological. Here’s another example. The World Medical Association has come down with a nasty case of global-warming hysteria.

Not only does the professional group transform the controversy over climate change from an environmental issue into a medical one, but a new resolution claims hysterically that the issue involves the right of future generations to “live.”

First, the resolution wants governments to come down like a hammer on industries that emit greenhouse gases, to protect “the right to live” of future generations. From, “WMA Resolution on Protecting the Future Generation’s Right to Live in a Healthy Environment” (my emphasis):

Climate crisis causes a serious loss, damage or destruction of ecosystems and cultural damage, which has severe impacts on all inhabitants of the world. In order to ensure the right to live for the future generations, there is an imminent need for binding legal measures to be adopted and implemented at the national and international arena against the polluters causing emissions that cause especially climate crisis as well as air, water and soil pollution.

Toward that end, the group appears to support laws that would criminalize large-scale enterprises that cause environmental dislocation:

WMA proposes the following recommendations to its members and other related organizations:

Urge to ask its members to collaborate with relevant bodies in their countries in order to raise awareness about the necessity for legally binding sanctions and policies at the national and international level for the polluters that threaten the right to live for the future generations by emitting gases which are proven to cause climate crisis and air, soil and water pollution.

The resolution doesn’t use the word, but this verbiage is implicitly supportive of “ecocide” laws that would criminalize widespread environmental dislocation — including the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases — as the “fifth crime against peace,” deemed akin to genocide and ethnic cleansing.

The resolution then calls for word engineering, and more alarmingly, for governments to declare a “climate emergency”:

Urge all medical professionals, media, governmental and non – governmental institutions to refer climate change as ‘climate crisis’ and calls the leaders of national, state or provincial, regional, city, and local governments to declare a climate emergency in order to initiate a society-wide action. Moreover, encourage the media to promote the concept and meaning of the right to live for future generations.

Declaring a “climate emergency” would open the door to the same kind of rule by diktat over environmental policy that we see now in the fight against COVID. Imagine Governors Cuomo and Whitmer having the kind of power they now wield in to fight COVID to implement left-wing environmental policies, and you can envision the authoritarian possibilities of such a policy.

Medical students are to be mandatorily propagandized in global-warming orthodoxies:

Update the curriculum at medical schools and add compulsory sections on environmental health in order to educate health professionals that are able to think critically about the health impacts of the environmental problems, are aware of the reasons, impacts/dimensions of the climate crisis and able to offer solutions designed to protect the rights and health of future generations.

Methinks that “critical thinking” would be the last purpose of these mandatory indoctrination classes.

The Resolution goes all in to support the usual climate-change policies, such as eliminating industrial-meat-producing and fishing practices, wealth redistribution, and the pipe dream of making it all up by creating “green jobs.”

Of course there is no substantive mention of the profound economic contraction such policies would cause. Nor do the enlightened ones mention the adverse health consequences that would result therefrom.

Wesley J. Smith

Chair and Senior Fellow, Center on Human Exceptionalism
Wesley J. Smith is Chair and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. Wesley is a contributor to National Review and is the author of 14 books, in recent years focusing on human dignity, liberty, and equality. Wesley has been recognized as one of America’s premier public intellectuals on bioethics by National Journal and has been honored by the Human Life Foundation as a “Great Defender of Life” for his work against suicide and euthanasia. Wesley’s most recent book is Culture of Death: The Age of “Do Harm” Medicine, a warning about the dangers to patients of the modern bioethics movement.