Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

green energy

Multiple Coal Fossil Fuel Power Plant Smokestacks Emit Carbon Dioxide Pollution

Now, It’s Carbon ‘Net-Zero Healthcare’ to Fight Global Warming

With all of the wokeness and technocratic impositions the medical establishment is eager to impose on health care these days, why would anyone go to medical school or become a hospital administrator? Read More ›
Nuclear power plant and cooling towers

Austrian Defense Minister Warns of Europe-Wide Blackouts

With the big Glasgow conference ongoing and given the stakes, one would think that this potential catastrophe would be a prime subject of conversation. Read More ›
Operating oil and gas well profiled on sunset sky

The IEA’s Plan to Destroy Freedom and Save the Planet

If you liked gas lines after the Colonial Pipeline was shut down by a hacking—or if the rolling blackouts last summer in California were your idea of fun—you will love what the international global warming warriors at the International Energy Agency have planned for us. Read More ›
Electric power lines against a dawn sky

Do Greens Want the World to Be Like the ‘Blackout State?’

Electricity is essential to modernity. Prosperity depends on it. So does longevity and health. If you doubt that, ask those in impoverished nations who still don’t have access to reliable electrical power! Read More ›