Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

global warming

Earth day activist: Group of people protests for climate change in the city - Global warming demonstration concept

Only Feminism Can Prevent Global Warming

About a month ago, some bioethicists claimed that bioethics should prevent climate change. My eyes had finally stopped rolling when lo and behold, I learn from three UN Women researchers — in Scientific American, no less — that feminism holds the real key to preventing the planet from cooking. As you would expect, the opinion piece is a godawful mess that attacks capitalism and the use of fossil fuels, in other words, its authors disdain prosperity. From “How Feminism Can Guide Climate Change Action:” The current economic system that underpins that status quo is rooted in the extraction of natural resources and exploitation of cheap or unpaid labor, often done by women and marginalized communities. This system therefore drives the climate crisis while perpetuating inequalities based Read More ›

Doctor holding a globe in hands, representing global healthcare, medicine, and medical care services, emphasizing world health preservation.

Only Bioethicists Can Prevent Global Warming

The bioethics movement has always had power ambitions beyond wrestling with health policy and medical ethics. Indeed, for years, the mainstreamers have been seeking to interpose themselves into the global-warming controversy.

The Hastings Center — the beating heart of the bioethics establishment — has been leading the charge to so expand the sector’s influence. The center just published a call to arms to fight global warming by a medical ethics professor emeritus, advocating that bioethicists be at the center of the climate-change fray.

After praising the inflation-causing spending of the mendaciously named Inflation Reduction Act as now set in stone — time will tell — the author rallies the bioethicists troops to the great cause. From “Now What? Bioethics and Mitigating Climate Disasters“:

We might well ask: Now what? Is there a way to make a difference over the next four years? And, especially, does bioethics have a role in this effort?

I argue that there is important work ahead and bioethics should be squarely in the middle of it. The work is less in federal policy and more in public persuasion. The role for bioethics is to bring global warming and its catastrophic health consequences into focus as an existential crisis neither party can ignore.

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View of Snæfellsjökull, Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland

Icelanders Nominated a Glacier for President to Push “Nature Rights” Movement

Here is a story on "nature rights" activism that, on first impression, leaves one bemused. But I think it has important implications. Activists tried to qualify a glacier for the Iceland presidential ballot. Read More ›
man holding smoking a cigarette in hand. Cigarette smoke spread. dark background

‘Tobacco-Free Generation’ Establishes Age-Based Ban on Sale of Tobacco — to Adults

I don't smoke, but I am wary of efforts to prevent other people from so doing. Now, blue cities — and soon states, most likely — have hit upon a way to ban smoking known as "Tobacco Free Generation" (TFG). Read More ›
Close-up of a petri dish in a lab setting containing a developing piece of lab-grown meat with a microscope in the background highlighting the cellular structure and the process of culturing meat

DeSantis Wrong to Criminalize Lab-Grown Meat

Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that makes the manufacture and sale of lab-grown meat (made from meat cells) in Florida a misdemeanor. I agree with DeSantis that our would-be woke overlords want to destroy animal agriculture internationally. But freedom is the solution to those threats, not neo-Luddism. Read More ›
Fridays for future: students hands showing  banners and boards

UN Bureaucrat: Destroy Science to Save Us From ‘Global Boiling’

​“Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do,” is often good advice. But sometimes what they “say” is precisely what they plan to do. Case in point: A United Nations official named Volker Türk just published a column in Nature—the world’s most prestigious scientific journal—in which he proposes to “protect the right to science” to combat “climate change.” Read More ›
Multiple Coal Fossil Fuel Power Plant Smokestacks Emit Carbon Dioxide Pollution

Now, It’s Carbon ‘Net-Zero Healthcare’ to Fight Global Warming

With all of the wokeness and technocratic impositions the medical establishment is eager to impose on health care these days, why would anyone go to medical school or become a hospital administrator? Read More ›
Group of demonstrators on road, young people from different culture and race fight for climate change - Global warming and enviroment concept - Focus on banners

What 1973’s Soylent Green Accurately Predicted about 2022

I have always loved science fiction. So when Soylent Green was first released in 1973, I immediately headed to the theater. I remember clearly being shocked by the depictions presented but assuaging myself with the comforting thought that nothing like any of that would ever actually happen. Read More ›
Nuclear power plant and cooling towers

Austrian Defense Minister Warns of Europe-Wide Blackouts

With the big Glasgow conference ongoing and given the stakes, one would think that this potential catastrophe would be a prime subject of conversation. Read More ›
cracked soil sunset
The picture shows the effect of drought, cracked soil, no seasonal rain. Because caused by global warming. global warming concept

Global Warming as the New COVID

When COVID finally fades, how will the new authoritarianism that the public-health emergency enabled, be retained? By turning global warming/climate change into the next major public-health emergency. Read More ›