Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism


Sad little girl with backpack sitting in a wardrobe room

The Biden Department of Education Seems to Hate Women and Girls

In a slap to the face to all American women and girls in schools and universities, the Department of Education dismantled many existing federal protections against actual sex discrimination promulgated under a civil rights law known as Title IX — which protects females against discrimination at public schools, colleges, and universities receiving federal funding — by unilaterally rewriting the law to apply to “gender,” which isn’t the same thing at all. Read More ›

Thomas Linzey on the Nature Rights Movement

Most people support responsible environmental policies but may be unaware of how radical the leading edge of the movement has become as an increasing number of activists support granting personhood rights to nature. Is nature rights a subversive threat to human exceptionalism and our thriving or is it the next necessary step in society’s moral growth and key to preventing a catastrophic environmental collapse as its adherents claim? Let’s find out. Wesley’s guest is one of the primary founders of the nature rights approach. Thomas Alan Linzey, serves as Senior Legal Counsel for the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights, an organization committed to globally advancing the legal rights of nature and environmental rights. He is the co-founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and is widely recognized as the founder of the contemporary “community rights” and “rights of nature” movements. Linzey is a cum laude graduate of Widener Law School and a three-time recipient of the law school’s public interest law award. He is a co-founder of the Daniel Pennock Democracy School – now taught in twenty-four states across the country which has graduated over 5,000 lawyers, activists, and municipal officials – which assists groups to create new community campaigns which elevate the rights of those communities over rights claimed by corporations. Linzey is the author or co-author of several books on community activism and civil disobedience. He assisted the Ecuadorian constitutional assembly in 2008 to adopt the world’s first constitution recognizing the independently enforceable rights of ecosystems, and is a frequent lecturer at conferences across the country. The Center on Human Exceptionalism is most pleased Linzey agreed to join the podcast, during which he and Wesley have a discussion not an argument. Center for Environmental Rights Nature Rights with Thomas Linzey | YouTube Rights of Nature: An Interview with Thomas Linzey | Bioneers Debate Between Wesley J. Smith and Thomas Alan Linzey on the Nature Rights movement | Discovery Institute War on Humans | Wesley J. Smith The return of nature worship | Acton Institute

Hiker on a cliff above the Great Salt Lake and Antelope Island

Utah Outlaws Nature Rights

A bit ago, I warned that environmental radicals were pushing to grant rights to the Great Salt Lake. Thankfully, legislators noticed and passed a bill prohibiting granting rights to any non-human aspects of nature. Read More ›
People with banners protest as part of a climate change march

The “Health Community” Versus Fossil Fuels

The New England Journal of Medicine continues to publish advocacy articles that push hard-left policies on controversial issues such as climate change, guns, race, etc. — seeking to harness the authority of doctors to push non-medical political agendas. Now, we are told, the “health community” wants to end the use of fossil fuels. Read More ›
Elderly woman with a walker

Belgian Health-Fund President: Euthanize Old People to Save Money

Earlier this month, I noted that a U.K. columnist was pushing euthanasia for the elderly as a way of saving national resources. That call has now been echoed by a Belgian health-insurance official for one of the five mutual-fund companies that provide the country’s mandatory health- and disability-insurance policies. Read More ›
Organ transplantation medical professional in a rush

A Market in Human Kidneys Is a Bad Idea

It is sometimes said that desperate circumstances require desperate measures. But desperation can also lead to the exploitation of the vulnerable. Such would be the case if we created a market in live-donation human kidneys. Read More ›
Close-up of scrub nurse taking medical instruments

What Comes after Transgender? Doctor Amputates Man’s Healthy Fingers

I have long predicted that normalizing transgender surgeries would be followed eventually by doctors intentionally disabling patients with Body Identity Integrity Disorder (BIID). Well, here it comes. A doctor in Quebec "treated" a BIID patient by amputating two of his healthy fingers. Read More ›

Mark Davis Pickup on Living with Intense Suffering and Experiencing a Miraculous Healing

We live in a time in which eliminating suffering is considered by many to be society’s ultimate purpose. Too often, this leads to policies that eliminate suffering by eliminating the sufferer. Still, for those not experiencing intense pain or anguish, arguing for improved care instead of increased access to assisted suicide or euthanasia can seem like a blithe platitude. “If you were really suffering,” I have heard repeatedly in my more than thirty years involved with these issues, “you would sing a different tune.” Perhaps. But many people who suffer intensely sing from the same songbook. One, is my good friend and guest for this episode of Humanize, Mark Pickup. Pickup has experienced the intense terror and anguish caused by disabling and progressive multiple sclerosis over several decades. Yet, in the midst of his intense pain, he became one of North America’s most prominent public speakers seeking to help others maneuver their way through travail and to find meaning even in the most difficult life circumstances. He is also a noted Christian apologist. Pickup has addressed politicians in Canada and the United States, churches and denominational leaders, universities, high schools and community groups, hospital medical staffs, local, state, and provincial pro-life conventions as well as keynote speaker to U.S. National Right to Life Prayer Breakfasts (2001, 2005, and 2010). Pickup is extensively published in Canadian and U.S. media and has appeared on innumerable radio and television programs warning against a cultural drift toward euthanasia acceptance. Mark has received numerous awards for his work including the Monsignor Bill Irwin Award for Ethical Excellence (Canada) and a Governor General’s Medal for community service. He writes the Human Life Matters blog that deals with issues of the sanctity of human life and other matters of cultural concern. HumanLifeMatters Mark Davis Pickup (@MarkDavisPickup) / X (

Group of teenagers sitting on wall

Study: Most Gender-Confused Children become Gender-Conforming Adults

A new study has found that almost all children who experience gender confusion grow out of it as they age into adulthood. By the time gender-non-contented children are adults, of the 21-22 percent experiencing gender distress, all but 2 percent grew out of it. Read More ›