Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

mental health

Young beautiful teacher woman wearing sweater and glasses sitting on desk at kindergarten asking to be quiet with finger on lips. Silence and secret concept.

New California Law Prohibits Schools from Telling Parents Their Child Is Trans

Political progressives apparently think that school administrators and teachers should have a greater say than parents in the raising and treatment of children experiencing gender dysphoria. How else to explain Governor Gavin Newsom's signing A.B. 1955, an authoritarian law that forces schools to leave parents in the dark if their child identifies as the opposite sex or presents other issues around sexual identity and orientation. Read More ›
Hormonal pills. Gender symbols of man, woman and transgender. Colored tablets of blue, pink and purple color

A New Medical Coalition Rebuts the Propriety of “Gender-Affirming Care”

A new American medical coalition — Doctors Protecting Children — has organized to fight back against the ideological thrall and to restore a more rational and efficacious standard of care for children. It has just issued the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration — authored by the American College of Pediatricians (not to be confused with the AAP) — setting forth specifics. Read More ›
Group of teenagers sitting on wall

Study: Most Gender-Confused Children become Gender-Conforming Adults

A new study has found that almost all children who experience gender confusion grow out of it as they age into adulthood. By the time gender-non-contented children are adults, of the 21-22 percent experiencing gender distress, all but 2 percent grew out of it. Read More ›

“Gender Science” Was Merely Ideology All Along

Did you hear the news? England's National Health Service (NHS) has decided that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer receive puberty blockers because "there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness . . . to make the treatment routinely available at this time." Read More ›
A transgender flag being waved at LGBT gay pride march

Study: Mental-Health Degeneration in 34 Percent of Children after Puberty Blocking

When ideologues and the media insist that puberty blocking is the only appropriate care for children with gender dysphoria, don’t believe it. The studies have been few and far between, and there are many potential physical-health harms to children — such as infertility and poor bone development. Read More ›
Gavel and Stethoscope on Gradated Background

California Bill to Exclude Parents from Children’s Mental-Health Care

Progressives increasingly are attacking the right of parents to be in charge of the care of their children — particularly around LGBT issues and sexual-related matters such as birth control and abortion. Read More ›
Canada ft0204_5685 Kanada

Canadian Minister of Health: ‘Suicidal’ Are Not Eligible for Euthanasia

Assisted-suicide activists play a word game when they insist that the practice isn’t really “suicide.” They claim that a person who seeks death does so only because of serious illness or disability. If a person is healthy, this claim goes, he or she wouldn’t have wanted to die. Thus, assisted suicide isn’t suicide but merely medical aid in dying (MAiD). But the same kind of reasoning could be applied to anyone who seeks to die, regardless of the circumstances. Had the grieving mother’s child not been hit by a car, for example, she wouldn’t be thinking of killing herself. But for his chronic depression, the psychiatric patient wouldn’t want to die. Had the entrepreneur’s business not collapsed, he wouldn’t want Read More ›