Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

Puberty Blockers

Transgender Day and LGBT pride month, LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA+ concept. Doctor holding blue, pink and white heart shape for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Pansexual community

New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Screed Defending “Gender-Affirming Care”

The American medical establishment remains radically committed to the misnamed “gender-affirming care” model, refusing to even consider following the examples of the U.K., Sweden, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, France, Norway, and others whose health ministries have hit the brakes hard on providing puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries to gender dysphoric children.

Example: The current New England Journal of Medicine published a “Perspectives” screed attacking the Cass Review — widely respected for its thorough investigation of the lack of significant data supporting puberty blocking of gender dysphoric children. From “The Future of Gender Affirming Care“:

Our concern here is that the Review transgresses medical law, policy, and practice, which puts it at odds with all mainstream U.S. expert guidelines. The report deviates from pharmaceutical regulatory standards in the United Kingdom. And if it had been published in the United States, where it has been invoked frequently, it would have violated federal law because the authors failed to adhere to legal requirements protecting the integrity of the scientific process.

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a doctor in gloves vaccinates a teenage girl

Basta! Italy’s National Bioethics Committee Urges Blocking Puberty Blockers

The tide is really turning against the gender ideologues who advocate experimenting on the bodies of children as a supposedly “medically necessary” treatment. Now, Italy’s National Bioethics Committee has recommended substantially ending the use of puberty-blocking drugs as a “treatment” for childhood gender confusion. From the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine’s press release: Excellent. If the government follows the advice of its bioethics commission, Italy will join a burgeoning list of countries — which includes the U.K., France, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, and Denmark actively taking steps to end the madness. Once the execrable Admiral Levine is out of office as Trump reenters the presidency, I expect the U.S. to follow suit. That will leave the American medical establishment and a short Read More ›

Child at Pedicatric Check-Up

New Zealand Study: “Dearth” of Evidence Supporting Use of Puberty Blockers

It is increasingly clear that there is little scientific basis for administering puberty blockers to gender-dysphoric youth. Consequently, many European countries have now effectively banned their use outside of official studies. Now, the New Zealand Ministry of Health has similarly found that there is a “dearth” of evidence supporting blocking normal adolescence in youngsters who feel that their gender is different from their sex. The New Zealand study reviewed all the literature on the question published before September 30, 2023. In other words, it was a study of the findings of published studies. First, it found that studies claiming that puberty blockers helped ease depression were of very poor quality. From “Impact of Puberty Blockers in Gender-Dysphoric Adolescents” (my emphasis): Impact of puberty blockers on Read More ›

Department of Health Provides Update on COVID-19, 83 New Positives Bring Statewide Total to 268
Image by Governor Tom Wolf at Wikimedia Commons:,_Secretary_Levine_Provide_Updated_Guidance,_Stress_Need_for_Compliance_as_Cases_Rise_(49680648446).jpg

In Speaker Choices, American Academy of Pediatrics Shows Its Gender Ideological Colors

The American Academy of Pediatrics is a creature of the gender ideologues and the woke Left. I can see no other judgment based on the two chosen keynote speakers for its upcoming national convention. Read More ›
A scene showing activists and scientists presenting evidence of environmental damage caused by government negligence to a panel of government officials.

Get Ready for “Public Health” Authoritarianism

If you want to see what is going to go wrong with society next, read the professional journals. Many of our most notable publications no longer restrict their content to technical descriptions of new scientific advancements or the outcomes of experimental medical treatments. They also energetically promote progressive authoritarian ideological agendas. Read More ›
Close-up of gloved hands passing the surgical scissors, operating room, hospital

The “Gender-Industrial Complex” Makes Billions Annually

I used to think that the great push to prescribe children puberty blockers and hormones and subject teenagers to surgeries, and the explosion in adult medical “transition” procedures, was primarily about promoting a radical ideology. But, as a new report produced recently by the American Principles Project reveals, it is also about making a lot of money. Read More ›
young person with a transgender pride flag

No Increase in Suicides Among Gender-Confused Youths Since Puberty Blockers Blocked in U.K.

After the U.K. closed its major gender-transitioning clinic for youth as "not safe for children" — and later blocked the prescribing of puberty blockers — ideologues spread the rumor on social media that suicides among gender-confused youth had increased dramatically. Wrong. Read More ›
The White House Lit in Rainbow Colors

Biden Administration Suddenly Opposes “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries on Minors

The Biden administration has long insisted that "gender-affirming care" in minors is "safe" and "medically necessary" medical treatment. Then, it was discovered that assistant secretary of Health and Human Services Admiral Rachel Levine influenced WPATH to do away with all age limitations in its GAC standard of care guidelines regarding puberty blockers, surgeries, and other interventions. Read More ›
Hormonal pills. Gender symbols of man, woman and transgender. Colored tablets of blue, pink and purple color

A New Medical Coalition Rebuts the Propriety of “Gender-Affirming Care”

A new American medical coalition — Doctors Protecting Children — has organized to fight back against the ideological thrall and to restore a more rational and efficacious standard of care for children. It has just issued the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration — authored by the American College of Pediatricians (not to be confused with the AAP) — setting forth specifics. Read More ›
Group of teenagers sitting on wall

Study: Most Gender-Confused Children become Gender-Conforming Adults

A new study has found that almost all children who experience gender confusion grow out of it as they age into adulthood. By the time gender-non-contented children are adults, of the 21-22 percent experiencing gender distress, all but 2 percent grew out of it. Read More ›