Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism



Trump Withdraws from the World Health Organization

President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) because of its Covid failings, allegations of being soft on China, and the disproportionate share of funding borne by the United States. There is even more wrong in how WHO leaders have wielded their influence. In recent years, the organization has not just been about promoting public-health internationally, but also in using its clout to impose woke cultural agendas on the world — including areas that have traditional moral values — and in seeking to construct an international technocracy. Item: WHO sought to force a radical abortion regime on the world by allowing abortion through the ninth month and curtailing the right of conscience by doctors to Read More ›

A scene showing activists and scientists presenting evidence of environmental damage caused by government negligence to a panel of government officials.

Get Ready for “Public Health” Authoritarianism

If you want to see what is going to go wrong with society next, read the professional journals. Many of our most notable publications no longer restrict their content to technical descriptions of new scientific advancements or the outcomes of experimental medical treatments. They also energetically promote progressive authoritarian ideological agendas. Read More ›
Logo @ World Health Organization @ Pregny-Chambésy
Image from Guilhem Vellut at Wikimedia Commons

The Lancet: You Are ‘Hardly Human’ If You Don’t Believe in the International Community

The Lancet's editor in chief, Richard Horton, is furious at people who don't believe in the international community. The "system" is failing, he says — and it's the fault of evil right-wingers. Why, oh, why, Horton moans, are people so unwilling to docilely follow the lead of international institutions? Read More ›
Team of doctors preparing for surgery, patient POV

No, Doctors Shouldn’t Make Treatment Decisions for Incompetent Patients

Cardiologist and New York Times columnist Sandeep Jauhar has published a piece advocating that doctors and bioethicists be empowered to force treatment on some patients. He writes in the context of wanting to compel hospitalization on a schizophrenic patient with serious heart problems. From "Doctors Need a Better Way to Treat Patients Without Their Consent:" Read More ›
Close-up of scrub nurse taking medical instruments

What Comes after Transgender? Doctor Amputates Man’s Healthy Fingers

I have long predicted that normalizing transgender surgeries would be followed eventually by doctors intentionally disabling patients with Body Identity Integrity Disorder (BIID). Well, here it comes. A doctor in Quebec "treated" a BIID patient by amputating two of his healthy fingers. Read More ›
doctor with a stethoscope and a world globe.

Beware the “Right to Health”

Health and wellness are becoming the primary justifications for international technocracy, or "rule by experts." Indeed, we are told that preventing the next pandemic will require that the World Health Organization be given the power to declare pandemics and impose emergency policies internationally. Read More ›