Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

futile care

Team of doctors preparing for surgery, patient POV

No, Doctors Shouldn’t Make Treatment Decisions for Incompetent Patients

Cardiologist and New York Times columnist Sandeep Jauhar has published a piece advocating that doctors and bioethicists be empowered to force treatment on some patients. He writes in the context of wanting to compel hospitalization on a schizophrenic patient with serious heart problems. From "Doctors Need a Better Way to Treat Patients Without Their Consent:" Read More ›
paramedics rushing patient into an ambulance

Texas ‘Futile Care’ Law May Soon Be Less Authoritarian

If, for some reason, H.B. 3162 does not make it all the way through the legislative process to law, may the lawsuits pour down like hail on Texas hospitals that impose futile-care impositions. Read More ›
Wesley Smith Texas Senate

Wesley J. Smith Testimony Before the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee in Support of SB 917

The primary purpose of SB 917 is to prevent unilateral forced withdrawals—over the objection of patients and/or families—of wanted life-extending treatment based on doctors’ beliefs about the quality of the patient’s life. Read More ›