Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

assisted dying

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Progressive Columnist Almost Embraces Sanctity of Human Life

It is always good to see someone wrestling with truth. A progressive columnist in The Guardian writes about how she is coming to understand that human life has intrinsic dignity, but she doesn’t quite understand why. Still, something very important is stirring within her. From, “I Am a Rational Liberal, Yet a Question about the Sanctity of Life Floored Me,” by Sonia Sodha: Liberalism has much to offer, but there are risks in embracing it as an overarching political philosophy without a degree of humility about its shortcomings: its hollow silence over how to navigate knotty ethical issues where society needs some kind of shared understanding. This queasiness about morality means liberals sometimes look the other way when others smuggle Read More ›

Weight loss fail concept. Scale and depressed, frustrated and sad woman sitting on floor holding head and arms on knees.

At Least 60 People With Eating Disorders Euthanized or Assisted in Suicide Since 2012

A very disturbing — but, alas, unsurprising — report has been published from a review of medical studies that demonstrates that at least 60, but almost surely more, people with eating disorders (EDs) have been euthanized or assisted in suicide between 2012 and 2024. This includes at least three patients from the U.S. Read More ›
Lonely sad elderly Senior person in wheelchair in nursing home looking out window. Generation AI

Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die

Euthanasia isn't really about compassion but fear of decline and a loathing of dependency — and of those experiencing them. That nasty truth has become abundantly clear with a new column published in the Times of London. Read More ›