Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

hospice care

Care worker giving water to elderly woman in geriatric hospice

Hospice in Crisis

This much is clear: Hospice either gets fixed, or society will be pushed into the arms of the euthanasia movement, with all of its attendant evils (as currently unfolding in Canada). Because people are not going to put up with their loved ones dying in agony. Read More ›
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A concept based on the Canadian healthcare system.

Reader’s Digest Canada Pushes Euthanasia, Ignores Hospice

The push is on in Canada to normalize euthanasia as the best way to die — to save money and emotional turmoil. How hard is the push? Reader’s Digest Canada — no less — has published a guide to end-of-life planning that pushes euthanasia and doesn’t even mention hospice. Read More ›
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Hospice Workers Should Be at the Front of the Vaccine Line Too

We all know that residents in long-term-care/assisted-living facilities and frontline health-care personnel make up Phase 1a of the CDC vaccine distribution plan, putting them — rightly — at the front of the vaccine line. But not all medical workers are apparently created equal. I am specifically referring to hospice workers, who have been placed toward the back of the queue in several states. Read More ›
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Paid medicine in Canada. Medical tourism. Healthcare in Canada. Treatment abroad. Treatment in Canada. Medical services.

Canadian Hospice to Be Shuttered for Refusing Euthanasia

I have written here before about Delta Hospice in British Columbia, which has been under unremitting pressure by the government of the province — including a funding cutoff — only because it refuses to participate in euthanasia. It is now being forced to lay off clinical workers and faces eviction. Read More ›