Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism


woman on ventilator
Ventilator monitor and african american female patient in hospital bed with oxygen ventilator

Hospital Loses ‘Futile Care’ Attempt to Force Covid Patient Off Life Support

“Futile care” is a pronounced threat to patient autonomy and the equality of all human life. This is the idea. When doctors think that the quality of a patient’s life is not worth living — but the patient, family, or surrogate want care to continue — doctors can overrule patients and terminate wanted life-sustaining treatment. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Peter Singer: Deny Unvaccinated ICU Care Versus Vaccinated

The bullying around vaccines is getting out of hand. But then, Singer is fully vaccinated, needless to say. So, the cynic in me wonders whether he’s really saying, “Put me first.” Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Germany Treats Natural Immunity the Same as Vaccination

There seems little reason not to follow this approach — unless the real point of mandates isn’t effective public-health policy but societal control. Read More ›
Older woman lying in hospital bed alone looking at the Christian crucifix asking for her healing.

Texas Welcomes Unvaccinated Organ-Transplant Patients Refused Care in Colorado

How bizarre has the vaccine controversy become? Colorado hospitals are refusing organ transplants to COVID unvaccinated patients because if they catch the disease, they would have a 30 percent chance of dying due to weakened immune systems caused by the anti-rejection drugs recipients must take. Read More ›
Spanish cuisine. Mixed salad fish salad, red and green Bulgarian pepper, quail eggs, canned mackerel, olives, seasoned with olive oil and sesame. Beautiful serving in the restaurant, on a black plate

Vaccines by Eating Greens? Greens Will Never Let It Happen

Scientists are conducting an experiment that, if successful, would permit us to receive some vaccines and other medicines by eating food rather than by jab. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

No, a Vaccine Mandate Is Not Like Requiring Seat Belts

Mainstream bioethics thinking is growing increasingly authoritarian. Princeton’s notorious utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer now joins Ezekiel “Mandate” Emanuel in an internationally syndicated column urging that everyone be legally required to take the COVID jab. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Stealing Vaccine Patents Would Be a Big Mistake

Patent protection is crucial to the free-market system and essential to continuing medical innovation. Whatever immediate benefit might be derived by stealing the vaccine would ultimately be more than offset by the new drugs never brought to market and vaccines not invented. Read More ›
Vaccination passport on a mobile phone allowing movement and travel - Vaccination against the coronavirus Covid 19 - Imunity passport - Health passport

Ezekiel Emanuel Pushes National Vaccine Mandate

Ever the autocrat, Obamacare architect and Biden health-care adviser Ezekiel Emanuel has co-authored a call in the New York Times for vaccine mandates. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Hospice Workers Should Be at the Front of the Vaccine Line Too

We all know that residents in long-term-care/assisted-living facilities and frontline health-care personnel make up Phase 1a of the CDC vaccine distribution plan, putting them — rightly — at the front of the vaccine line. But not all medical workers are apparently created equal. I am specifically referring to hospice workers, who have been placed toward the back of the queue in several states. Read More ›
Dripping reagent into test tube with liquid sample, closeup. Laboratory analysis
Dripping reagent into test tube with liquid sample, closeup. Laboratory analysis

Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Not Created with Fetal Cells

The news that Pfizer’s vaccine is 90 percent effective has rocked the world (a tad too late to help Donald Trump). The company will be applying for an emergency FDA approval. Read More ›