Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

Peter Singer

Happy child with down syndrome enjoying swing on playground

Neanderthals Cared for Down Syndrome Children. Too Often, We Abort Them

Scientists have discovered the remains of a Neanderthal child with Down syndrome. Today, it may now be that more babies with Down syndrome are killed in the womb than are born. Read More ›
off the power computer labtop

Peter Singer Compares Abortion to Turning Off a Computer

This is the kind of thinking that results from rejecting the intrinsic moral value of human life. Princeton University bioethicist Peter Singer — who is most famous for secularly blessing infanticide — just compared abortion to turning off a computer. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Peter Singer: Deny Unvaccinated ICU Care Versus Vaccinated

The bullying around vaccines is getting out of hand. But then, Singer is fully vaccinated, needless to say. So, the cynic in me wonders whether he’s really saying, “Put me first.” Read More ›