Vladimir Putin is a war criminal of the worst order for his atrocities against Ukraine. He is responsible for human carnage, the deaths and terrible woundings of hundreds of thousands of people — from soldiers to civilians and even children killed in hospitals where they were receiving medical treatment. But . . . should he ever be called to so face the music, he should not be charged with "ecocide." Read More ›
Petition gatherers will soon be trying to qualify one of the most radical constitutional amendments in Florida history for the ballot. The Florida Right to Clean Water initiative masks as a benign proposal to protect the state’s waters from pollution. In reality, the measure would explicitly grant human-type rights to H2O. Read More ›
Despite the grueling permit processes, extensive environmental impact reports, and litigation gauntlets that currently protect the environment and/or throttle development — take your pick — nature rights intends to become the “shield” preventing the exploitation of natural resources regardless of how responsibly undertaken, while ecocide intends to be the “spear” punishing it. Read More ›
The ecocide movement seeks to make environmental despoliation an international crime that can land the perpetrator — usually depicted as a corporate CEO, but also government leaders — into the dock at The Hague. Read More ›