The book-selling ethics of Amazon’s management are truly twisted. The company readily offers books that intend to teach how to commit — and will result in — suicides. At the same time, it bans books that simply engage in a respectful debate about a radical agenda — about which, surely, reasonable people can differ — because that could wound people’s feelings. Disgraceful. Read More ›
Book burning has always been a crucial ingredient of totalitarianism. In the 1930s the German Student Union infamously made bonfires from books considered antithetical to National Socialism. Similarly, the zealots who executed Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution destroyed books opposed to the diktats of Chinese Communism. Read More ›
The social media company Parler—which is a French word meaning “to speak”—was mugged and left for dead by Big Tech last week in what appears to be the start of a cultural offensive aimed at stifling conservative advocacy in our country’s public discourse. Read More ›