Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism


Senior man kneel, holding wooden rosary beads in hand with Jesus Christ holy cross crucifix in the church. Natural light background. Prayer pose crop closeup with copy space. Catholic symbol of faith.

Defending Catholic Healthcare

The threats against religious freedom in the United States have become so acute that five major Catholic organizations have formed the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA), a nonprofit coalition dedicated to defending the right of Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions—as well as Catholic doctors, nurses, and pharmacists—to provide care and treatment in accordance with the moral precepts of the Catholic Church. Read More ›
book with burning pages on a concrete surface
Image Credit: Оксана Скиданова - Adobe Stock

An Amazon Book Burning

Book burning has always been a crucial ingredient of totalitarianism. In the 1930s the German Student Union infamously made bonfires from books considered antithetical to National Socialism. Similarly, the zealots who executed Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution destroyed books opposed to the diktats of Chinese Communism. Read More ›
Photo by Aditya Romansa

HHS Rule Would Have Prohibited Discrimination Against Babies with Disabilities

Working until the last minute, the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Health and Human Services has published a proposed rule that would protect babies born prematurely from death — including those who survive abortion — and disabled people generally from discrimination in the health-care context. Read More ›
Gavel and Stethoscope on Gradated Background

Science Journals Have Become Intensely Political

I have related here on several occasions how intensely political supposedly objective science and medical journals have become. The New England Journal of Medicine pushes progressive politics all of the time, as just one example. So does Science, which for example, has endorsed the “nature rights” movement. Nature joined the crowd too in publishing an hysterical jeremiad against President Trump by Jeff Tollefson, its D.C.-based reporter. But if you read the lengthy attack, its most bitter complaints are about intensely believed political and policy differences, not actual examples of Trump being somehow “anti-science.” For example, construes every Trump action on COVID in the most negative light possible. He also attacks Trump’s immigration policy. From, “How Trump Damaged Science–and Why It Could Take Decades to Recover”: Trump has also eroded Read More ›