Jack Phillips owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo. Phillips sells generic cakes, but he also customizes them. When he was asked to design a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding, Phillips refused because he believed that doing so would violate his Christian faith. Read More ›
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that it’s unconstitutional for Colorado to punish a commercial designer for refusing to create a same-sex wedding website in violation of her Christian beliefs. Read More ›
President Biden is running for reelection. His video announcement claims that the primary issue before the country is whether “there will be more or less freedom.” I agree with him. Only, he is the candidate of less freedom. Read More ›
It isn’t a secret that the U.S. military is growing increasingly woke. But as it embraces progressive social values, are the services becoming concomitantly less tolerant of faith — or perhaps better stated, uncomprehending of its importance to believing members? Read More ›
Intolerant secularism is on the march. In a blatant campaign of cultural imperialism, secularists and their leftist allies aim to shrivel the “free exercise” of religion to mere “freedom of worship.” Read More ›
Two principles of Catholic health-care ethics forbid removing healthy organs and sterilizing a patient absent a necessity caused by a pathology, such as cancer. These principles are increasingly in conflict with the transgender movement that has the ACLU and others suing when Catholic hospitals refuse transgender surgeries based on these religiously based precepts. Read More ›
Until President Biden protects the right to act in the public square here at home consistently with one’s religious beliefs, his administration’s support for International Religious Freedom Day has to be judged so much hot air. Read More ›
The threats against religious freedom in the United States have become so acute that five major Catholic organizations have formed the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA), a nonprofit coalition dedicated to defending the right of Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions—as well as Catholic doctors, nurses, and pharmacists—to provide care and treatment in accordance with the moral precepts of the Catholic Church. Read More ›
Compelling doctors to hew to secular cultural values in their practice of medicine is both authoritarian and un-American. If the anti-medical conscience campaign succeeds, we will all be the poorer for it. Read More ›
If a free society is to remain worthy of the name, persuasion—not coercion—must be the watchword. Because if COVID becomes the excuse for government and Big Business to exert such extreme control, even greater intrusions on civil liberties will surely follow. Once power is grabbed, the grabbers rarely let go. Read More ›