Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

Catholic Church


Nina Shea on the Persecution of the Catholic Church in China

Religious persecution continues to afflict the world. Anti-Semitism abounds. Certain Islamic countries suppress minority faiths while Muslims face persecution in countries like India. Non-Orthodox Christians are persecuted in Russia, while some American Christians claim that they are discriminated against because of living out their faith precepts. In this episode of Humanize, Wesley focuses on the suppression of the Catholic Church Read More ›

Historic Tower at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center - Bethesda, Maryland [Washington, DC Metropolitan Area - USA]

Did Walter Reed Hospital Neglect Faith Needs of Catholic Patients?

It isn’t a secret that the U.S. military is growing increasingly woke. But as it embraces progressive social values, are the services becoming concomitantly less tolerant of faith — or perhaps better stated, uncomprehending of its importance to believing members? Read More ›
interior of church

Freedom of Religion on the Chopping Block

Intolerant secularism is on the march. In a blatant campaign of cultural imperialism, secularists and their leftist allies aim to shrivel the “free exercise” of religion to mere “freedom of worship.” Read More ›
transgender flag hand
transgender flag in the palm of the hand.

The Transgender Tide Is Turning

The time has come for an intense but mutually respectful societal conversation that focuses not only on the causes of transgenderism and the potential benefits of transitioning such people, but also the many risks and alternatives that can care compassionately for suffering people while maintaining cultural equilibrium. Our future thriving requires nothing less. Read More ›
Asian doctor and an assistant in the operating room for surgical venous vascular surgery clinic in hospital.

Maryland Catholic Hospital Liable for Refusing Transgender Hysterectomy

Two principles of Catholic health-care ethics forbid removing healthy organs and sterilizing a patient absent a necessity caused by a pathology, such as cancer. These principles are increasingly in conflict with the transgender movement that has the ACLU and others suing when Catholic hospitals refuse transgender surgeries based on these religiously based precepts. Read More ›
Wesley Smith EWTN

Wesley J. Smith Discusses Dutch Court Decision to Strike Down Measure that Expands Euthanasia Laws

A court has struck down a measure to expand euthanasia laws in the Netherlands. Activists wanted to make it legal for non-medical professionals to perform assisted suicide procedures. Read More ›
Christian friends group reading and study bible together in home or Sunday school at church with window light

Religious Freedom: Biden Policy Not Where Administration’s Mouth Is

Until President Biden protects the right to act in the public square here at home consistently with one’s religious beliefs, his administration’s support for International Religious Freedom Day has to be judged so much hot air. Read More ›
Senior man kneel, holding wooden rosary beads in hand with Jesus Christ holy cross crucifix in the church. Natural light background. Prayer pose crop closeup with copy space. Catholic symbol of faith.

Biden Administration’s Plan to Destroy Medical Conscience is Un-American

If news reports are right, the Biden administration intends to force doctors and nurses to participate in abortions—even when it violates their religious beliefs. It plans to force Catholic hospitals to violate Church teachings by requiring them to provide sterilization and gender transition procedures, even on children. Read More ›