Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism


African American slaves family or group of black slaves. representing five generations all born on the plantation history concept of slavery

Yale Historian writes in “The Lancet” That “Slavery Is at the Bottom of Everything”

The medical establishment continues on its march to irrelevance. In the current edition of The Lancet, a Yale history professor named Timothy Snyder inveighs against what he apparently sees as totalitarianism of contemporary health policies. Frankly, it’s mostly gobbledygook. Take the lede, from “Health and Freedom”: We are free as bodies, or not at all. And so health care is a right, one of the most basic. Huh? Snyder then castigates all of Western civilization as essentially thousands of years of continual tyranny: Plato put us all in a cave. In the darkness of the succeeding two millennia and more, western philosophy has had trouble seeing—and feeling—what needs to be seen and felt. A long history of empire and slavery, from that moment Read More ›

Night view of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, United States

Political Passions Threaten a New ‘Bleeding Kansas’

The attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a warning that our national politics are careening out of control. Read More ›
Chinese flags on barbed wired wall in Kashgar (Kashi), Xinjiang, China.

Apple Supplier Charged with Exploiting Uyghur Forced Labor

We hear a lot about “reckonings” these days. But surely something has to be done about the atrocious human-rights abuses in China that appear to include slave/forced labor for the benefit of American companies such as Apple. Read More ›
Photo by Kirill Sharkovski

Businesses Must Not Cooperate with the ‘Fourth Reich’ of Communist China

Human exceptionalism imposes duties as well as rights. A crucial obligation of each and every one of us is to treat each of our human brothers and sisters as equals. Hence, slavery is evil and the antithesis of human exceptionalism because it treats equals as unequal and human beings as objects to be exploited for the benefit of those with the power to control the enslaved. Ditto, forced labor camps filled with people imprisoned due to political or religious persecution — as occurs with appalling efficiency in the “Fourth Reich” that is Communist China. Internationally prominent companies are being charged in the media with benefiting from forced labor in China. From the AFP story: China is transferring tens of thousands of Uighur Read More ›