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Health Care

hand in jail

New England Journal of Medicine Article: Free Sex-Change Surgeries for Prisoners!

Fresh off publishing an unsubstantial attack on the Cass Review that recommended against puberty blockers for gender dysphoric youth, the New England Journal of Medicine offers an advocacy piece demanding that prisoners claiming to be transgender be given free “transition surgeries.” From “Gender-Affirming Surgical Care in Carceral Settings“: Several U.S. courts have held that access to gender-affirming care during incarceration is a trans person’s right. This conclusion is reflected in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) clinical guidance, which governs clinical care provision within federal carceral facilities, which house an estimated 1200 trans people. The BOP, whose guidance often sets the standard for health care delivery in state and local carceral facilities, recommends provision of gender-affirming care during incarceration, including Read More ›

Patients waiting for an appointment in the hospital corridor

Canada’s Socialized Health-Care Culture of Death: 15,000-plus Die Awaiting Care; 15,000-plus Euthanized

What a debacle. More than 15,000 people died in Canada in one year because they couldn’t access care in the country’s collapsing socialized health-care system. From the Toronto Sun story: Close to 15,500 people died waiting for health care in Canada between April 1, 2023 until March 31, 2024, according to data compiled by via Freedom to Information Act requests across the country. However, says the exact number of 15,474 is incomplete as Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador don’t track the problem and Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia only provided data on patients who died while waiting for surgeries — not diagnostic scans. says if it extrapolates the unknown data, then an estimated 28,077 patients died last year Read More ›

Military and border guards with weapons stand along the border with barbed wire, guarding the border from illegal immigrants. Texas and Mexico Emigration Crisis

Medical Journal Articles Urge Same Health Care Coverage for Illegal Aliens as Citizens

The latest New England Journal of Medicine contains two advocacy articles that essentially argue that the country should provide health care for illegal immigrants, no questions asked. The first, discusses the 1.1 million elderly people with no legal right to be here, who as a result, do not qualify for Medicare or federal Medicaid funding, which the authors call “dual ineligibility.” The article argues that these illegal residents should be covered by Medicare if they paid taxes, but realizing that is a political nonstarter, urge a combination of strategies. These range from states authorizing payments under Medicaid, to funding community health centers, to illegal elders being covered by their legal adult children’s health insurance. But what the authors really want Read More ›

a doctor in gloves vaccinates a teenage girl

Basta! Italy’s National Bioethics Committee Urges Blocking Puberty Blockers

The tide is really turning against the gender ideologues who advocate experimenting on the bodies of children as a supposedly “medically necessary” treatment. Now, Italy’s National Bioethics Committee has recommended substantially ending the use of puberty-blocking drugs as a “treatment” for childhood gender confusion. From the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine’s press release: Excellent. If the government follows the advice of its bioethics commission, Italy will join a burgeoning list of countries — which includes the U.K., France, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, and Denmark actively taking steps to end the madness. Once the execrable Admiral Levine is out of office as Trump reenters the presidency, I expect the U.S. to follow suit. That will leave the American medical establishment and a short Read More ›

Cute piglet portrait in veterinarian hands, Close up eyes of swine in the farm. Hugging a pig.

Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplant Offers Hope — and an Ethical Solution

With so many people on the organ transplant waiting list, the ethics of organ donation have begun to buckle. These proposals are not only unethical, in my opinion; in some cases they also treat donors as objects rather than subjects. Each and any of them could undermine the public’s already thin trust in the organ transplant system, which would be a catastrophe. But an ethical way forward has also been researched assiduously, and it is beginning to bear fruit: xenotransplantation, that is, the use of pigs’ organs, genetically altered to be more compatible with humans. Early experiments offer cause for optimism. Recently, a woman who was dying of kidney failure received a pig kidney, and she seems to be doing well. Read More ›

African American slaves family or group of black slaves. representing five generations all born on the plantation history concept of slavery

Yale Historian writes in “The Lancet” That “Slavery Is at the Bottom of Everything”

The medical establishment continues on its march to irrelevance. In the current edition of The Lancet, a Yale history professor named Timothy Snyder inveighs against what he apparently sees as totalitarianism of contemporary health policies. Frankly, it’s mostly gobbledygook. Take the lede, from “Health and Freedom”: We are free as bodies, or not at all. And so health care is a right, one of the most basic. Huh? Snyder then castigates all of Western civilization as essentially thousands of years of continual tyranny: Plato put us all in a cave. In the darkness of the succeeding two millennia and more, western philosophy has had trouble seeing—and feeling—what needs to be seen and felt. A long history of empire and slavery, from that moment Read More ›

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The Media Still Can’t Get Facts about Terri Schiavo Right

Terri Schiavo was cruelly dehydrated to death almost 20 years ago, and the media still can’t get the facts right. Terri’s case has come up again in media stories discussing the nomination of former congressman Dr. David Weldon to head the CDC. As usual, there are misreporting and wrongful implications when Terri’s case is discussed. Read More ›
Child at Pedicatric Check-Up

New Zealand Study: “Dearth” of Evidence Supporting Use of Puberty Blockers

It is increasingly clear that there is little scientific basis for administering puberty blockers to gender-dysphoric youth. Consequently, many European countries have now effectively banned their use outside of official studies. Now, the New Zealand Ministry of Health has similarly found that there is a “dearth” of evidence supporting blocking normal adolescence in youngsters who feel that their gender is different from their sex. The New Zealand study reviewed all the literature on the question published before September 30, 2023. In other words, it was a study of the findings of published studies. First, it found that studies claiming that puberty blockers helped ease depression were of very poor quality. From “Impact of Puberty Blockers in Gender-Dysphoric Adolescents” (my emphasis): Impact of puberty blockers on Read More ›

A scene showing activists and scientists presenting evidence of environmental damage caused by government negligence to a panel of government officials.

Get Ready for “Public Health” Authoritarianism

If you want to see what is going to go wrong with society next, read the professional journals. Many of our most notable publications no longer restrict their content to technical descriptions of new scientific advancements or the outcomes of experimental medical treatments. They also energetically promote progressive authoritarian ideological agendas. Read More ›
Unrecognizable doctor with stethoscope listening to hearbeat of

Universal Infant Genetic Screening Pushed in Science Journal

The European Journal of Human Genetics just published an article that advocates universal — and perhaps even mandatory — genetic screening of all newborns. How to justify this proposed massive usurpation of parental decision-making? Read More ›