Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

mental illness

An empty hospital bed with dying flowers.

Euthanasia Poisons People and Societies

Most of the media report on euthanasia in the glowing, uncritical language of empowered patients "dying peacefully on their own terms." In contrast, euthanasia abuses and horror stories—an ever-growing list—generally receive little focused media attention and remain outside the notice of people not engaged with the issue. Read More ›
woman in sheet
Studio image of mentally ill woman in straitjacket

Euthanizing the Mentally Ill

Should psychiatrists and other doctors assist the suicides of mentally ill patients? Not that long ago, the answer to that question would have been unequivocally, “No” The job of a mental health professional is to save the lives of suicidal patients, not help them die. Read More ›
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Assisted Suicide is Never a Treatment for Mental Illness

Addressing the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith said that activists and pressure groups often use fear, in particular fear-mongering on the difficulties of death, to push through their agenda. Read More ›
desperate man in silhouette sitting on the bed with hands on head

Autonomy or Abandoning the Mentally Ill?

A U.K. woman with anorexia is in danger of starving to death and courts there will not allow force-feeding to save her life because she has decision-making capacity. Read More ›